How can I learn the LP?

The LP comprises of 3 Parts: 

  1. working through an audio programme (Part 1),
  2. attending the 3 half day face-to-face training (Part 2),
  3. and having 3 hours of follow up coaching (Part 3).

Part 1:

If the LP sounds interesting to you, you can get started with Part 1 by working through this interactive audio programme lead by Phil Parker (designer of the LP) (£15.99). Select the version of the audio programme which suits you best. You will:

  • Learn about the detailed science and research behind the LP and how it can help you resolve your issues
  • Start your training in recognising when you’re using your body, nervous system and specific language patterns in a damaging way
  • Develop new healthier neurological pathways
  • Explore how the LP has helped others

After working through the audio programme, please complete this Application form for the 3 half day face-to-face training (Part 2) if you feel you are ready to benefit from it. Please email the completed application form to Georgina ( On reviewing your application form, Georgina will contact you by phone to introduce herself, answer any questions you might have, and ask you some questions about your understanding of the LP. Through discussion with you, Georgina will assess whether this training programme is right for you at this time. If for some reason you are not yet ready, Georgina will advise you on how to prepare more fully for the training.

Please do bear in mind that the LP is a training programme, not a treatment or a therapy so you will be empowered with the knowledge and tools you need to change. Our experience is that if people apply the skills and tools that they learn from doing this course, then they are able to make changes to achieve new levels of health, wellbeing and happiness.

The LP is all about you and your future. As it is your future, you will have the biggest role to play during the seminar and will need to be very determined. This is why we recommend you have more commitment to the training and success than just ‘wanting to give it a go’. Having said that, you will not be alone on your journey, Georgina will be there for you before, during, and after to help you put the LP into action.

Part 2:

Part 2 of the LP is the 3 half day face-to-face training. You can attend individually or in groups (2-5 people). Prices are found on the Application form. The 3 consecutive half days last 3-5 hours each. This may sound daunting to people with major health issues but it has been our experience that people not only cope with this intensity but actually improve their health and energy levels during the course.

Part 3:
Part 3 of the LP comprises of 3 hours (in total) of follow up coaching to suit you within a year of attending the 3 half day face-to-face training (usually an hour at 2 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months). This follow up coaching is usually over the phone or Skype. If you attend the training in a group then they are usually group calls.


What you can expect from Georgina, your Practitioner:

  • Georgina will work with you with care and integrity
  • Georgina will follow the approved ethical training structure
  • Georgina is completely committed to you and your success

What you need to expect of yourself:

  • That you are ready and committed to fully engage in the training
  • That you are open to interesting and new approaches for change
  • That you continue to use the process whenever you need it following the course


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Lightning Process Practitioner and Coach, LONDON

'...for robust change in health and excellence...'

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