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About Georgina

My story is a fairly common one. Having had glandular fever at school and having never fully recovered, I was diagnosed with CFS/M.E. It was awful and it limited my life. I started University and after 2 months I couldn't get out of bed due to extreme pain, sickness, and exhaustion. I had to leave. 

I thought I'd tried everything to get better and felt that nothing really worked.  Then friends of friends told me about the LP. It was the first time I found something that, in my view, actually made complete sense. It was practical, grounded in science, and quick. After thoroughly reading the website and speaking to my Practitioner, I was convinced the LP would work for me and I had the determination to do whatever was required. I found it intriguing as it approached things in a different way, introduced new concepts, and was simple.

Within 3 days I was playing tennis, eating everything, going out and seeing friends!

I re-started University, completed the 4 year course, joined one of the biggest businesses in the world on their 3 year graduate scheme, moved to Borneo for a 15 month assignment, and now continue working back in London.

I always dreamt about becoming an LP Practitioner because I believe it saved my life. So 8 years on, I started the 2 year training and have since been teaching clients. It is my absolute passion! I feel it's the most incredible tool for life.

Professional Requirements
In order to be granted a licence to practice the LP and be accepted onto the Register, Practitioners need to be extensively trained, maintain their continued professional development, undertake supervision and abide by the Register’s Code of Conduct.  Georgina has a current, clear DBS check (formally known as a police check) and full practitioner insurance.

Georgina Watson: Registered and Licenced Lightning Process Practitioner
BSc with Hons,
Certified NLP Practitioner, Dip. Clin Hyp, Life Coach

Copyright © Georgina Watson 2020. All rights reserved.


Lightning Process Practitioner and Coach, LONDON

'...for robust change in health and excellence...'