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Lightning Process Practitioner and Coach, LONDON

'...for robust change in health and excellence...'

Copyright © Georgina Watson 2020. All rights reserved.

LP in the media

Watch this documentary piece about someone with M.E. who was followed by an ITV film crew before, during, and after taking the LP:

Martine McCutcheon talked about her experiences of ME and the LP in an interview on ITV’s The Alan Titchmarsh Show:

Patrick Strudwick wrote about his experience of the Lightning Process in The Times. ‘The Lightning Process is the most empowering experience I’ve ever had. It saved my life”:

Award winning pop star Laura Mvula talks about how the LP helped her anxiety:

Austin Healy’s wife used the LP in 2007:

The Daily Mail has covered a number of LP stories including:

  • The story of the 17 year old who took the LP for CFS/ME. Read more here.
  • Esther Rantzen, Founder of Childline, and her daughter’s story of using the Lightning Process. Read more here.
  • Esther Rantzen using the LP to prepare for ‘I’m a celebrity get me out of here’. Read more here.

Bestselling novelist Lucy Robinson talks about using the LP to transform her life in this article ‘I choose happy‘:

Olympic horse rider, Mary King, talks about her daughter doing the LP: “The results are extraordinary – seeing is believing”. “Emily is back to normal after being very poorly for four months — and I am pleased to say she is now back in the saddle, having previously had no energy at all.”:

Read the story of Chris Marques, the Choreographer on ‘Strictly Come Dancing’:

See this letter in the Daily Mail 23 July 2014 written by Claire Smith, a scientist who took the LP. Both she and her son had CFS/ME and both recovered using the LP:

BBC Radio 4 transcript from 'You and Yours' following 14 year old Leo’s journey to recover from ME. Click here.

Ali’s story – Read it here.

MS society in New Zealand recently published an article about a lady who took the LP for MS. Read it here.

Satine’s story of using the LP for pain – Watch the film.

For more links to articles about the Lightning Process – click here