Lightning Process Practitioner and Coach, LONDON

'...for robust change in health and excellence...'

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What do Doctors say about the LP?

Given that 90% of doctor’s visits are the result of stress, stress-reducing techniques like the ones taught by Phil Parker can not only be life-saving, but happiness-saving. With power tools aimed at helping you unravel limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviours that keep you from thriving, the LP is just what the doctor ordered.
Dr Lissa Rankin MD, New York Times bestselling author of Mind Over Medicine

I am a medical, UK-trained doctor whose life has been transformed by the Lightning Process.  The Lightning Process is, without doubt, an extremely effective training programme which enables participants to make hugely important, life-enhancing changes to their health and wellbeing – rapidly and permanently.

The science behind the Process makes absolute sense and the theories behind it are entirely sound.  The Process can be applied to an enormous range of problems or issues (for me, learning how to sleep properly again and how to be able to “do” calm and serenity at will, are valuable beyond measure).  I have no doubt of the effectiveness of the Process having personally gone from leading a ‘stressful’ existence to being able to totally engage in and enjoy my life – within 24 hours.  I only wish I had done this years ago.

I feel sincerely privileged and very grateful to have been able to see and feel how much of a difference the LP makes – quietly and without great drama and with great effect.

Dr. Stephanie Hughes B.Sc. (Hons.) B.M. B.Ch. (Oxon) M.R.C.G.P. Cert.Med.Ed. General Practitioner

I’m training to be a Practitioner of the Lightning Process myself, after seeing the amazing changes people can make using the Process.”
Dr. Helmut Roniger, MMED Consultant Physician at UCLH

I have been very impressed with the results of the Lightning Process.  I have seen the lives of some of my patients transformed by this self empowering technique. Everyone who has battled with chronic illness and wants to win should have the opportunity to do the Lightning Process.”
Dr Rajesh Munglani, MB BS DCH DA FRCA FFPMRCA Consultant in Pain Management

I hope the importance of this innovative approach to medical health will spread rapidly to the practice of medicine and to all who need it.”
Dr Susy Mikkelsen, MD

I observed a Lightning Process training course and watched five people completely transform very persistent and difficult issues that they had struggled with for years.  I would say to anyone ‘go for it’ – it’s absolutely fascinating.”
Dr Fleur Appleby Deen MBBS BSc


Research finds that combining the Lightning Process with Specialist Medical Care, for CFS/ME, is more effective than Specialist Medical Care alone.

A study investigating the effectiveness of The Lightning Process® programme to treat children with mild or moderate CFS or ME finds symptoms improve,’ reports the University of Bristol.

The results from a study by University of Bristol has been published in the Journal of Archives of Disease in Childhood: Clinical and cost-effectiveness of the Lightning Process in addition to Specialist Medical care for pediatric Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: randomized controlled trial.  It concludes stating ‘The Lightning Process is effective and is probably cost-effective when provided in addition to specialist medical care for mild/moderately affected adolescents with CFS/ME.’

Full study is reported here.

A more detailed fact sheet is available here.

Two papers had previously been published and you can find the links to them both here:
1. The feasibility and acceptability of conducting a trial of specialist medical care and the Lightning Process in children with chronic fatigue syndrome: feasibility randomized controlled trial (SMILE study)

2. Comparing specialist medical care with specialist medical care plus the Lightning Process® for chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (SMILE Trial)


Research on the LP for those with chronic pain: ‘Evaluation of a treatment strategy’

Researchers evaluated the effects of the LP on chronic pain, studying 12 adolescents in Norway whose lives had been strongly affected by chronic headaches.

The researchers evaluating this pilot study reported that on follow up after twelve months:

  • 9 out of 12 reported that they had significant pain reduction. This trend was evident already after three months.
  • The majority had improved quality of life. They were more active, more able to spend time with friends and attended significantly more at school.
  • Before the course 3 reported that they ‘always / almost always’ were in school. At follow-up after one year, the situation changed, when 8 out of 12 ‘always / almost always’ were in school.

and concludes:

A structured cooperation between doctor and LP instructor has contributed to significant pain reduction and improvement in the quality of life for nine of the twelve youngsters in the project. The remaining three participants had not noticed any effect, either positive or negative.

Full paper can be found here

Harvard University and King’s College, London

‘Experiences of young people who have undergone the Lightning Process to treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis: A Qualitative Study’

An independent study, published in 2012, found that of the 9 participants with CFS/ME “7 were satisfied and were much improved”. Click here for more information on the study.  Or to read Phil Parker’s summary of the full article and response click here.

Outcome Measures Study

We are pleased to report on the results from the preliminary data collected in a study looking at outcome measures from 205 clients who attended a Lightning Process seminar. The study, which has been done using the RAND SF-36, is a pilot study that was designed to provide some preliminary outcome measures which can be used to add weight to future grant and funding applications for larger-scale Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT).  The indications are that the LP is making a significant positive impact, resulting in increased health status at 6 weeks, persisting at 3 months, and demonstrating improvements in all areas that were covered by the RAND SF36 questionnaire.

Find the Outcomes Measures report here.

Multiple Sclerosis Resource Centre (MSRC, now part of MS-UK) and LP research

Interim report on a research project with the MSRC and LP.

Abstract: This Proof of Concept (POC) study was designed to consider the validity of the Lightning Process as an approach to provide benefit, or not, to those with MS. … The interim data shows that the LP provided benefit to all participants and there have been no incidents of negative effects.  The data suggests that it would be worth pursuing a full Randomised Controlled Trial

“The Proof of Concept study, although being in a small number of subjects, has produced some encouraging and worthwhile results over the 12 month period following participation in the Lightning Process.  They indicate that the Lightning Process provides measurable benefits to those with MS and suggests that further larger randomised studies would be beneficial to investigate the role the Lightning Process plays in the well-being and quality of life of MS patients.” MS-UK October 2014.

Click here for the MS Proof of Concept Study Report at 6 months.

Read New Pathways magazine mention – page 6

 Other Research Headlines 

  • ME Association’s survey: The statistics on the benefits of the Lightning Process.  Read the report here.
  • Brighton and Sussex Medical School and the Sussex & Kent ME/CFS Society survey CFS/ME ‘LP most helpful approach’.  See the report here.

Read the LP Snapshot survey on clients with ME/CFS here.

Supporting Research

Dr. Bruun Wyller, who is considered to be one of Norway’s leading experts on ME, has published some interesting articles which concur with the clinical findings of the Phil Parker Lightning Process, which you can find here (1) (2).  His most recent paper in conjunction with Hege R. Eriksen, Kirsti Malterud who are university researchers from Bergen, can be found here (3).

Dr. Bruun Wyller says: ‘Recent research on CFS pathophysiology has revealed alterations of cardiovascular regulation and thermoregulation, characterized by enhanced sympathetic nervous activity and increased secretion of epinephrine.  These findings indicate a state of permanent distress response – sustained arousal – in CFS patients.  Based upon our findings, we have formulated a theory of sustained arousal in CFS, which seems to correspond quite neatly to the theoretical considerations underlying the Lightning Process.’

Theoretical basis of the Lightning Process

For more information on the established scientific theories that underpin the Lightning Process, please click on the links below:

  • Neuroplasticity – the ability of the pathways of the brain to change and develop in response to learning and repetition. (4) (5)
  • The physiological effects of Adrenaline, Nor-Adrenaline & Cortisol in the “stress” response. (6) (7)
  • The interaction of the body and mind. (8) (9) (10)
  • The osteopathic theory of facilitation and the impact of changes in structure causing changes in function. (11) (12)
